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Desiree Zeller, LMT

Integrative Wellness for Women

· natural fertility,infertility,pcos fertility,fertility massage,Pennsylvania

Enhancing fertility - naturally - with complimentary or integrative methods is something that women, with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), endometriosis, ovulation and thyroid issues as well as stress related infertility, have been seeking in recent years. Ladies are finding success and hope with affordable, drug-free methods such as; Acupuncture, Fertility Massage and dietary changes.  Desiree uses an integration of modalities like; Massage, Reflexology, Yoga, Aromatherapy, Acupressure, Meditation and Nutrition to help optimize the body for conception. Desiree is a Nurturing the Mother® Fertility Massage Specialist with additional training in Yoga, Reflexology, Acupressure, Aromatherapy and Mediation. Her peaceful massage-boutique is located in Cook Forest, PA. Contact for a free consultation @ 814-227-8948.